Tuesday, 22 March 2011

High Spy - Drowning

*segments of article originally published in The Sentinel 18/03/11

Artist: High Spy
Release: Drowning (single)
Genre: Prog Rock
Release Date: 8th Feb 2011

Ahead of the release of their third album and proceeding a massive gig held last year at the Victoria Hall, progressive rockers High Spy release their latest single ‘Drowning’. At least prospects look good for the band because this single bored me to the point of aggravation. From the beginning, production feels dated, and though you can easily identify a clear influence from Genesis and other prog rock bands of the 70s and 80s it just feels clichéd, pulling out every trick from the book with the keyboard having a field day through all his arrangements to the obligatory synth guitar that chirps up whenever the mood dictates. The whole song feels as if it is plodding through the mud on a grey drizzly day and yet it only lasts just under four minutes , which I guess is quite peculiar when you consider the average prog rock song. Killing the song dead is the vocals, which caused much reason to grimace. Attempting to lead into a big anthemic chorus with the lyrics: “Down Down, feels like I’m drowning”, it certainly sounds as if the singer is actually drowning which I guess may be the point. But still, do we have to drown with him? A bullet to the head would be quicker and painless.       


*I don't like being overly harsh with my criticism and if members of High Spy are reading this. Please don't take it personally...

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